Leader Impact

Engaging and empowering leaders in the society for transformational change


Background and vision

In 2016, the workplace ministry strategy that was formerly known as Workplace Initiative Namibia (WIN) was rebranded to Leader Impact Namibia (LIN).

It aims to help leaders in the workplace live a life of significance and a lasting legacy both professionally, personally, and spiritually.  Leaders get engaged toward that end through the Leadership forums, Vision events and peer development small groups. They also have the chance to annually connect with leaders across the world in the Global Leader Impact Summit.

Leader Impact is a ministry strategy which serves as a professional ministry tool for Christians in the workplace. As God's agents they receive training and various resources through Leader Impact geared towards the corporate environment.  Christians get trained as forum speakers, small group facilitators and also in how to have spiritual conversations to help workplace people discover work as God intended and most importantly come to a saving knowledge of  Jesus Christ.

Among the many training material are the Multiplying Your L.I.F.E workbook, and the Integrated Series workbooks all designed to serve workplace people strike a balance between their professional, personal and spiritual life.